Development of Software for Planning a Mini-Invasive Robot Assisted Vertebroplasty

Nicola Marchiotto

March 2023

This thesis is the result of an internship and a following collaboration with Tecres, a company which studies and develops biomaterials and medical devices in the fields of or- thopedics, traumatology, vertebral consolidation and neurosurgery. The work concerns two main aspects, the refinement of a robot prototype for performing percutaneous ver- tebroplasty and the development of the software for controlling and planning the surgery. To prove the feasibility of vertebroplasty with the current prototype and test the cor- rectness of the ecosystem, the study exploits computerized tomographies of phantoms to perform image-registration of the robot, plan the needle trajectories and simulate the fluoroscopes, the image-guide supports used by the doctor during a normal vertebro- plasty. The results of the research are validated performing trajectories planned on the developed software interface, having as target salient features of the phantoms. Finally, limits of the prototype are reported and possible future directions of development are proposed.